Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Review Game World of Warcraft: Cataclysm

Hello Friend Voltshare Now i will discusse about Review Game World of Warcraft: Cataclysm and previously I have made an article about Downlod Sega Games Football Manager 2013 Full Version.

Review Game World of Warcraft: Cataclysm

Latest expansion of World of Warcraft , Cataclysm , will soon complete with two new playable races, the Worgen for the Alliance and Goblins for the Horde. Maybe Kotakers is no longer surprised by this information, given the past year, a lot of information, rumors and leaks that appear related to the release of the game. So what will be added to the third expansion of one of the famous online game is? Let's find that the additional features.
Screenshot 1  World of Warcraft: Cataclysm

As the name implies, Cataclysm will bring a lot of features that provide significant changes. This seems to be caused by the rise of one of the most hideous creatures in the world of Warcraft, Deathwing, the black dragon that had never appeared. This appearance has led to a variety of events that creates its own chaos in geology Azeroth. Some specific locations have changed quite dramatically. Darkshore now be filled with floods and Auberdine has been destroyed. While Azshara now connected directly to Orgrimmar. Even the location of Barren had been split into two, one of which is a place to run a quest for those who are low-profile and a longer section devoted to a high level. primary objective of this course is the third expansion to provide an opportunity for gamers - gamers who first time playing the game, to feel what it's like to play both the expansion of existing (although it has experienced a change) and of course also aims to attract the attention and interest of the gamers who have played this game a long time. Typically, for gamers who have long passing in the world of World of Warcraft , another visit to Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdom may be seen as something that is not important. But with the drastic changes, so do not be surprised if there are a lot of gamers that directly intend to visit the site.

Screenshot 2  World of Warcraft: Cataclysm

Along with changes in geographic, Cataclysm will also increase the maximum level that can be owned by gamers , ie from 80 to 85. While it is a bit odd that in a such a large expansion, Blizzard only gives additional five levels, but Blizzard promises a lot of content that will make the players lose track of time while playing. Besides additional five levels, you can also develop your character even further by using a new feature called the Path of the Titans , which will be connected to the Archeology skill and they are not dependent on the talent and class that you use. Even the system of leveling of the guild is also reported to be amended. could say, what is provided in the third expansion is not adding a new skill or anything, but rather to augment and enrich what is already here with the support of additional new content such as changes in some areas, addition of two new races and starting zone, the combination of a new race, a new battle arena and PVP new outdoor area, as well as some areas that are devoted to the gamers who already have a very high level.

Screenshot 3  World of Warcraft: Cataclysm

Now we will discuss a bit about the two new races that are shown here. The first race is the Worgen race, a race of vicious wolves and powerful, in which humanity has often attempted to obtain and use its power to attack the Scourge. However, human effort that just backfired for mankind as it has appeared a mysterious curse that can cause humans turn into Worgen. Well, when you play a new race, you will play the character of one of mankind that have been exposed to the curse.

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